Goobay has been producing electronics since 1999.
25 March, 2020 by
Test, Tauno Vester

Goobay has been very active in the electronics market since its establishment in 1999.

Goobay has become a very valued brand, thanks to its trustworthiness and great price to quality ratios. Their extensive catalog has a product suitable for any occasion and need. Over 2300 Goobay products are represented at the Teval Elektroonika online store.

Goobay produces computer network devices and their accessories, like Firewire. Besides connectors and power supplies, the company has a variety of modern LED products and solutions. They design and produce both LED modules and lamps. Goobay LED light sources come with different socket types, from E14 to GU4. The products also have a temperature range from 2700K to 6400K and a brightness range of 80 to 640 lumen. Since Goobay LED's have a wide range of attributes, they are suitable for both every day and professional use.

Another Goobays' extensive category is electrical connectors. They come in a range of lengths and types, suitable for both the home and industrial environments.


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