TOREX - XC6902N331MR-G - LDO Voltage Regulator, Fixed, -16 V to -2.4 V in, 102 mV Drop, -3.3 V/200 mA out, SOT-23-3

Multiples: 1.0
Minimum quantity: 1.0
Product code: XC6902N331MR-G
Manufacturer: TOREX
Manufacturer code: XC6902N331MR-G
  • Number of pins
  • Max operating temperature

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Specification for TOREX - XC6902N331MR-G - LDO Voltage Regulator, Fixed, -16 V to -2.4 V in, 102 mV Drop, -3.3 V/200 mA out, SOT-23-3

Number of pins 3
Max operating temperature 85°C